Discover Our Plugin for Moodle

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Our BBB Plugin service specialized for Moodle

We have developed a plugin that offers features to enhance integration with Moodle platforms. Some of our favorite enhancements include the generation of downloadable recordings, integrated attendance and absence reports, high-quality webcam options, and more!

What is required to use BBB Plugin services?

These requirements must be met on your server and Moodle in order to use our service:

Moodle 3.4 +. Initially, it is necessary to have a Moodle platform (preferably updated to 3.9 +).


IonCube. It is usually already enabled or easy to enable. Unsure how to verify? Please contact us, and we will gladly provide a brief guide.


PHP 7+

Once you have contracted our services, the installation and activation of our Moodle plugin will be required. This is a simple process that can be completed with just a few clicks, or if you prefer, you can receive assistance.

BBB Plugin BigBlueButton Services

We have developed exclusive features that enhance integration with your virtual classroom.