Tienda de servicios de BigBlueButton hosting: BBB Plugin
Seleccione el servicio de BigBlueButton que necesite. Tenemos opciones con y sin suscripción automática para ciclos anuales y mensuales.
Our Store: BBB BigBlueButton Services
Select the BigBlueButton service you require. We have options with and without automatic subscription for annual and monthly cycles.
BigBlueButton for Moodle Without Subscription – Just one month
$16.00 – $3,146.00 -
BigBlueButton for Moodle Without Subscription – One year
$135.00 – $29,623.00 -
BigBlueButton for Moodle – Monthly subscription
From: $14.00 / month with a 5-day free trial and a $3.00 sign-up fee -
BigBlueButton for Moodle – Yearly subscription
From: $160.00 / year with a 5-day free trial and a $3.00 sign-up fee -
BigBlueButton for Moodle – Monthly Renewal
From: $14.00 / month -
BigBlueButton for Moodle – Yearly Renewal
From: $160.00 / year